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USM To Collaborate With Serba Dinamik In Enhancing The Nation's Space Industry

PENANG, 17 March 2021- Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) via the School of Aerospace Engineering (USM Space System Laboratory) has entered into a strategic partnership with Serba Dinamik Group Berhad (SDGB) to help develop the space industry in the country.

usm space lab usm serba dinamik mou

The partnership was forged after USM and SDGB signed a Memorandum of Cooperation held virtually recently, following the establishment of the New Space Economy Nexus (NSEN), a strategic partnership between industry and university. Serba Dinamik Group also signed similar Memorandum of Cooperation with six other institutions of higher learning.

USM Vice-Chancellor, Professor Dr. Faisal Rafiq Mahamd Adikan said, the collaboration will enable USM to explore the space system deeper and contribute its expertise to the industry.

“Three of our researchers will take part in this initiative, thus enabling USM to further explore the workings of space satellites,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Dean of the School of Aerospace Engineering, Associate Professor Dr. Farzad Ismail said, USM will be able to assist the space industry in the country, especially in the manufacturing and operation of satellites.
space lab usm serba dinamik mou

“At the same time, the industry will also support the university in conducting research in terms of funding, networking, and setting up of facilities which are suitable for research purposes.

“The three researchers who will be involved are Dr. Norilmi Amilia Ismail, Dr. Siti Harwani Md Yusoff, and Dr. Aiffah Mohd Ali, all three coming from the Aerospace Engineering Space Systems Laboratory team,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Group Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director of Serba Dinamik Group Berhad, Dato Dr. Ir. Ts. Mohd Abdul Karim said, the commitment that will be given by all universities involved will enable the development of talent and manpower, as well as to support the country’s space industry.

“This collaboration enables all parties involved to enhance innovation through knowledge exchange, as well as to open up opportunities for them to explore revolutions in space economics with the implementation of space launches and broadband services,” he added.

Credit to : 
Translation: Thigambarishini d/o Gobi (MPRC intern)/Editing: Mazlan Hanafi Basharudin


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